Social Justice Recommendations

What is Social Justice?

Broader Definition of Social Justice: justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society.  This definition includes some of the duties described by distributive justice.

Narrow Definition of Social Justice: What individuals owe to their society (see JFK video below for an example)

In Our Words: Justice asks one to give what is due to all things.  Social Justice asks individuals to give what is due to the broader society.   

In JFK’s words, the idea of an individual contributing to something larger than him or herself is a good way to understand Social Justice

Recommendations for Ecological Social Justice Steps 

 The economy we live in today is constantly struggling, especially as we continue to make advancements in technology each and every day. There are very many ecological issues that go on without many people actually knowing about it. There are numerous actions that we can do to improve the environment we live in, some of them being as simple as turning off a light. In 2010, there was enough wasted paper to cover 26,700 football fields and 17,800 soccer fields , three feet deep in paper. Just by cutting back in the paper we use, we could save so many trees. By making simple adjustments such as using reusable grocery bags, using iPads in school, or recycling your paper in your home, you can help the environment a little at a time. It is also important to combine different trips in your daily routine to save gas and reduce the 1/5 of the US emissions a year — emitting around 24 pounds of carbon dioxide and other global warming gases for every gallon of gas. You can create a compost, walk or use bikes, use reusable water bottles, turn things off instead or unplug things that aren’t in use, and many other things. There are countless things we can incorporate in our daily routines to make the world we live in a better place. These little acts are what we owe to our economy, and together we can start making an effort.

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